I didn't have the best week last week but as I said I was pretty happy to stay the same but I was feeling very unwell yesterday as I think I am getting the flu so I ate whatever I wanted and wasn't stopping. I was going to continue today but I was laying in bed this morning and forced myself on the scales to see what yesterday had done to my weight.
So today I am back on track. I still feel very unwell and would dearly love to go back to bed but we are short staffed at work again so that is not going to happen. So I have had eggs on toast for breakfast and I am determined to be good today and for the rest of the week. I am hoping I start to feel better soon too as I still am yet to make it on the treadmill.
This in itself is a big achievement because previously I probably would have gone on for a week like this and put on a ridiculous amount of weight and gone whatever. But I have worked way to hard over the last five weeks to let it go now and I am loving that my clothes are fitting better and people are commenting which is nice.
So I am thinking I need to make a trip to the shop and buy some oranges and eat these over having orange juice as they have no points and drink lots of tea... but I will have to go without sugar. I can do it!
Hope you are feeling better. Being sick sucks. Can't wait to catch up over the weekend. i hope you saved a couple of pro-points... :o/